2024-25 Winter Sports Tryout Information Click the link below to view the tryout information. Make sure to register prior to tryouts!
Fall Tryout Information Please click "read more" to view all of the information about Fall sports at Mt. Anthony Union Middle and High Schools.
Mt. Anthony Athletic Complex Community Survey Please fill out this survey by March 10. The Spinelli Field Ad Hoc Committee will then review results and present them at their March meeting. The data gathered here will guide their next steps.
2 Hour Delay We will be operating on a 2 hour delay today, December 12. Please note that this does not include Arlington Memorial High School or Fisher Elementary.
Booster Club Fundraiser Click the button below to view the order form for our Booster Club Fundraiser! Please note that all money raised will go towards scholarships, teams and clubs at MAU. The fundraiser is open until October 4.